Occupational Therapy

Does your child struggle with activities

At home, school, or in the community?

Pediatric occupational therapy uses purposeful activity to maximize the independence of a child who is limited by sensory integration/processing, fine motor weaknesses, neurological or cognitive impairment, or a developmental or learning disability, such as dysgraphia.

Activities like dressing and undressing, eating, writing with a pencil, and other physical activities are what many people think of when they hear about occupational therapy in children. Less well known, but equally important, aspects of OT are helping children with concentration challenges succeed in school, working with children who have issues with sensory processing, assisting children who struggle socializing with peers, and helping children with emotional regulation

Our occupational therapists use play activities to enhance sensory processing and teach emotional regulation, thus reducing meltdowns or frustrations over perceived “simple” tasks. 

Occupational Therapy for Pediatric Developmental Disorders

Evaluating & Enhancing Neurological & Motor Development

Occupational Therapy can help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Down Syndrome, Developmental Delays, and others. At KindCare Therapy, our team of occupational therapists helps children build skills focusing on function and independence, using playful therapy to promote well-being and a better quality of life.

Occupational therapy may target:

  • Fine and Gross Motor skills
  • Oral – Motor Skills
  • Ocular Motor skills
  • Self-Regulation Skills
  • Sensory integration skills
  • Visual perception Skills
  • Bilateral integration skills
  • Social skills
  • Auditory processing skills
  • Reflex integration skills
  • Independence with a selfcare
  • Activities of a daily living (ADLs)