
About us

Welcome to the KindCare Microschool a cozy haven for young learners to embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery. Our small class and student-centered approach provide a nurturing and personalized education focusing on cognitive development, executive function, academic development, life skills, nature exploration, sensory integration, animal encounters, STEAM, science, arts, and technology.

What We Offer:

Tuition and Fees

Description Amount School Year.
Yearly Tuition $10,500 2024/2025
Registration Fee $300 2024/2025
Academic Fee $250 2024/2025
Speech and OT Assessment $200 2024/2025
ABA Assessment $500 2024/2025
Occupational Therapy (Yearly) Optional 2024/2025
Speech Therapy (Yearly) Optional 2024/2025
Sensory Integration Optional 2024/2025
ABA Optional 2024/2025


Unlike the traditional learning systems, our Microschool is a perfect blend of homeschooling and private school using a holistic approach in a therapeutic environment to fit the needs of our students and their families. We offer an individualized education for students with special needs and neurodiverse learning providing a therapeutic environment in which students work at their own pace and think outside the box to achieve success on their learning journey. In addition to a highly personalized program students may receive (as needed): Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and ABA Therapy. We serve grades K-8 using a Time4Learning curriculum and other educational resources to reach our student’s goals.


Daily Schedule

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8:00-8:30 Drop off
8:30-9:00 Circle Time
Students will participate in opening group activities using words, songs, and games to inspire and motivate them as they start their day. Announcements and goal setting will be discussed.
9:00-9:30 Sensory play
Students will start their sensory integration routine including vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile, deep pressure, heavy work, oral motor, and more.
9:30-11:30 Core subjects
Students will work on their individualized learning plan including Math, Language Arts, Reading, and Science with our guides' help
11:30- 12:30 Lunch and Recess
12:30-1:30 Project-based learning
Students will work on their projects such as STEAM, ARTS, CRAFTS, COOKING, and Nature play.
1:30- 2:00 Free play and Dismissal
2:30 and up Speech or Occupational therapy (optional)
Student may have 1:1 therapy if needed

Monday -Thursday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM-1:00 PM 

Our classes adhere to the Orange County public school calendar, observing similar holidays and breaks. 

Summer Camp

Hosted by Kindcare Therapy

Designed for children with autism and related disabilities focusing on the developmental life skills, socialization, communication, behavior modifications, sensory integration, and academic. Our program is Tailored to all learning styles, based on fun, hands on activities, and weekly themes


Join our amazing summer camp where we sprinkle care and fun on your child all summer long

Campers that requires 1:1 supervision and support to participate in group activities ABA therapist support is required:

Camp Location: 1501 E Silver Star Rd suite 1637 Ocoee FL 34761
Camp Hours: 09:00AM-3:00PM
Camp Duration: 06/03/2024 to 08/09/2024
Camp Ages: 5 and up

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